
Motivational Monday - Clean Studios

Wet Studio - This is where the fiber is pulped and the paper is made!

Welcome to my studio!
No doubt a clean and organized house can assist in promoting healthier living and encouraging a more positive mood.  This is also true for us artists and crafters alike when it comes to our art studios.  

There are times when I lose energy levels and my inspiration begins to drag, but I have come to find if I scrub away the dirties in my studio I am usually raring to make another mess soon after.   

Dry Studio - This is where I make the art/crafts from the paper that was made in the wet studio!

This is a project I began to pull out last night as soon as I was almost done cleaning.  I hadn't even finished picking up and I was feeling inspired.  Maybe it has something to do with running my fingers over all the fun stuff I have collected for my art.  

This piece of paper I scored from another paper maker during a paper trade I do every year or two. It is made from the bark of tree that was harvested from South America if I am remembering correctly.  I love paper trading time.

Below are just some photographs of things in and around the studio that I either use in paper-making and related mixed media projects or that I have lying around that give rise to creation.

Pulpa's Studio Stuff

One of my torso molds :)

3 foot x 5 foot sheet of paper hanging from the ceiling.

stickers on my window

Paper Press _ God Send!

a finished torso 

Dia De La Muerta Doll and a pic of my deceased cat

mixed media piece that needs new frame

Where I do designing of my cards and invites!


This is where a lot of finished product goes until its ordered or needed at a show!

envelopes/gift packaging

Pulpa Graffiti 

This cloth decoration I made for my wedding and now hangs in my studio.  If I had a little girl it would go in her room, but I don't.  So it's all mine!

I love my storage!  I ask for a Michael's Gift Card for Christmas and my in laws and my husband both gave me one. Guess what I bought.  Hmmm. I would like a bigger storage wall and guess what is right around the corner? He He!

glitter and brushes - both important !

Book Sculpture

 A tiny hammer

a tiny kitty

Pastels! Yay!

Mother Nature keeps my overhead low. :)

Flower and Leaf Presses

Vintage Hole Punch

everyone should have a disco ball in their studio, don't you agree?

~This is cotton before it's pulped~

Rasta Pulp Chic

Mold and Deckles and an old fire pit I use for wall spheres

I hope you enjoyed the tour and found some motivation to clean or create! I have!  

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,

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