It looks as though I will be teaching "The Art of Bookbinding" at Denison University in March and April. It is only a total of 6 hours and 2 classes. It is part of an environmental science class, taught by a Professor Abram Kaplan, covering the "American food system…it's mysteries…the questions that arise…and curiosities we want to understand better".
The students are "engaging in a visual exploration of our food system"; photography being their medium. I have been asked to design and make the covers for these books. I decided upon corn husk book covers to add a tangible and touchable metaphorical symbol of the food system. I am excited to be a part of this project, and help the students create a more artistic and ascetically please piece in the end.
It is the students responsibility to acquire the interior layout and sheets of the book with their photography. Once they have the layout established, I will instruct in a four hour lab how to stitch together 1-3 books per student (16 students) as a final project that is worth 25% of their grade. Laughing, yeah no pressure there.
Please wish me luck on this new venture.

Peace, Love, and The Art of Bookbinding,
*All quotations taken from Professor Kaplan's syllabus.
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