
Motivational Monday - Upcoming Art Shows

Here is to getting motivated for the upcoming festival season! Whether you are an artist soon to be displaying your beautiful creations, or a festival go-er out to enjoy and hopefully purchase some of that awesome art!

The festival season is upon us very soon!  May is the start of the season for me?  Are there any other artists reading this, and if so when you do you usually start doing your shows?  I wish I was in a warmer climate and could do them all year round.  It can be difficult getting motivated and energized after taking 3-5 months off from the circuit.


My first show is always The Delaware Arts Festival.  This year it will be their 41st annual show and it runs on May 17th and 18th.  I hope some of you locals will make it out.

I will be in Booth #93.  It is a good location by the looks of the map they sent me.  : )  I am not in front of the parking lot that when it rains sends a river 3 inches deep straight through my tent.  I had wet feet for the entirety of this show a few years ago. : ) All for the love of art!



In June I do the Granville Art Affair & Wine Festival.  The dates for the show this year are June 13th and 14th.  It's actually a Friday and Saturday (which is different than the usual Saturday, Sunday shows).  So keep this in mind if you are going to visit.

I absolutely love this area, the people, and the artists.  It is a great show full of community.



I just signed up for the Westerville Music and Arts Festival.  This one is new to me this year.  It is also their 41st annual, and I have heard many good things about it.  This show runs on my birthday!! July 12-13th.
Hopefully I hear good news soon and am accepted so you can come hang with me on my birthday!


Still looking for a show for this month.  Local artists reading this ( let me know if you know of any that would be good) : )


The Old Worthington Market Day is a show I have done every year for so long I cannot even remember when I began.  Probably at the very beginning 7or 8 years ago, maybe longer.  It is an amazing 1 day show that only last about 6 hours.  It is not easy to get there and set up as so many artists and vendors are showing up at the same time.  It is tight and I always feel as if I am going to run over someones artwork trying to get in and set up.  :)  Never have though. Whew!

I didn't do it last year as I took most of the year off because I had a destination wedding that sucked all the creative energy out me.

I have not signed up for this yet, but as soon as the application come out I will.  I have not been turned down before, so I am almost positive I will be there.

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,

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