
Whimsy Wednesday - Poetic Pondering

Wishes and Wonderments

I wish I could awe you
like Huxley or Bukowski.

I could only hope to stir your heart
like the words of Browning or Shakespeare.

I am a little known poet
with the aspiration to inspire,
but most times…
 my words start flowing thick
And I wonder if I should retire,

Before I embarrAss myself too much.

I wish I could crawl into your head
Running my fingers along the walls.
Wondering what it would be like

To be you,
And wondering

If you ever thought the same
About me too.

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,


Motivational Monday - Warmth on Frigid Days

I am busy amidst a couple projects as well as getting ready for upcoming art shows this spring, summer, and fall.  I am excited to get out into the sunshine and share my creations.

Alas, I am stuck inside and have been for awhile due to frigid conditions in Ohio.  We also have had about 8 inches of snow in the last couple of days.  Although, Ohio isn't the only state experiencing these below zero temperatures.  It is much of the United States, right now.  

The only things that motivate me on day like today are warm mittens and hot cups of coffee or tea.
But also ….this little heater motivates me to move around and get stuff done.  

Without this warm friend I would be in a shivering ball under a blanket doing absolutely nothing.

Please leave a comment below telling me where you are from and how the weather is looking for you right now. 

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,


Fiber Frenzy Friday - Paper & Lace

I have been busy in the studio this week pulling sheets and beating pulps and I am going to share with you a beautiful, almost edible, creamy hued, vintage-esque sheet I created a couple of days ago.

I used a raw umber and yellow ochre pigmented pulp and and an old piece of lace.  I mixed the 2 colors of pulp on my mold and deckle to firstly form a thin sheet to put the lace onto.  I left it rather mushy and unpressed.  I then removed the mold (remember, the empty frame) from the deckle (the frame covered in screen/silkscreen) and laid the piece of cloth across the deckle and pulp so that it fell over the sides.  I then poured just the raw umber thinly over the top of that.

back of sheet detail
back of sheet detail

I love the way the paper thins and feathers allowing bits of lace to become more visible throughout.

sunlight shining through
1" lace edging

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,


Whimsy Wednesday - Dale Chihuly

 Dale Chihuly is an amazing American glass blower, don't you think?  I find so much color, life, and movement in these 3-dimensional pieces.  

 A few of his pieces are still available for viewing and purchase at the Franklin Park Conservatory, but there are not as many on display as there used to be a few years ago.  I am not sure if this is because of the Bruce Munro display (which is amazing and has been extended) or that they have spent their time at the Franklin Park Conservatory and now it is time for many of these beautiful works of art to grace another gallery.  

Wow, right?  Amazing, colorful, rich.  There is also at least one substantial piece at the Columbus Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Be sure to check his beautiful artwork out when if you have a chance.


Motivational Monday - You Have Permission

Today I give you permission, permission to do what you want. 

Take a nap, curl up in front of fire with your cat and read a book. 

 Forget to clean your house on purpose.  

Take another nap.  

Take a long hot bath and listen to jazz music in the candlelight.  

Take moon baths and talk to faeries.  

Imbibe sweet nectars with friends.  

I have shaken the Magic 8 ball and it's profound knowledge prophesies "Definitely Yes!"

Yes, Yes, Yes!

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,


Fiber Frenzy Friday - Bookbinding Project with Local University

It looks as though I will be teaching "The Art of Bookbinding" at Denison University in March and April.  It is only a total of 6 hours and 2 classes.  It is part of an environmental science class, taught by a Professor Abram Kaplan, covering the "American food system…it's mysteries…the questions that arise…and curiosities we want to understand better".  

The students are "engaging in a visual exploration of our food system"; photography being their medium.  I have been asked to design and make the covers for these books.  I decided upon corn husk book covers to add a tangible and touchable metaphorical symbol of the food system.  I am excited to be a part of this project, and help the students create a more artistic and ascetically please piece in the end.  

It is the students responsibility to acquire the interior layout and sheets of the book with their photography.  Once they have the layout established, I will instruct in a four hour lab how to stitch together 1-3 books per student (16 students) as a final project that is worth 25% of their grade.  Laughing, yeah no pressure there. 

I am thoroughly and completely nervous.  :)- 

Way to step out of my comfort zone. 

Please wish me luck on this new venture. 

Peace, Love, and The Art of Bookbinding,

*All quotations taken from Professor Kaplan's syllabus. 


Motivational Monday - Hot Coffee

Coffee gets me motivated just about every morning.  
Thank goodness for that little brown bean.

But especially on these very bitterly cold days such as today.  A whopping -4 degrees with a wind chill of -26 degrees F.  It has been a couple decades since it has been this frigid and I hope it's at least that long before we see temperatures like this again.

So here is to another hot cup of coffee in your mug!
Stay warm my friends.

Peace, Love, and a Lots of Hot Java,


Fiber Frenzy Friday - The Moon

 This piece is titled "The Moon".  It is a handmade paper disc on canvas with acrylic paint.  I love the multitude of blue hues in the sky.  I find that cool colors and especially blue and greens resonate with my soul.  There is a calmness and feeling of still.  We all know the magic that can come along when a full moon fills the night sky.  

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,