
Fiber Frenzy Friday - Junk Mail Bowl

Close up photograph of a junk mail bowl
In an earlier blog I told you all how to make junk mail pulp from old mail laying around the house.  Instead of mixing a vat of water to pull sheets from your pulp, why don't you try screening out some of the water and pressing your pulp into a plastic bowl and size and shape you like.  Put a fan on the bowl and allow it to to dry.  This will most likely take a few days to dry depending on the thickness.

 Completed Junk Mail Bowl

 After the bowl is dry you can Modge Podge the entire thing.  Do one side first and allow it to dry and then do the other side.  This will increase the life of your bowl, and also allow you to wipe it out with a damp cloth when it becomes dusty.  

I love the rough edges!

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,


Whimsy Wednesday - Ceramic Whimsies

As you all may remember me mentioning in an previous blog, I was married earlier this year.  My wonderful and whimsical Aunt Di and her handsome husband Glen (my uncle) purchased this lovely gravy boat as one of our wedding gifts.  My most awesome father and his lovely confidante Hope purchased the matching butter dish, also for our wedding.  Do they not make a wonderful pair!?!

You can find these two wonderful items and many great other fantastically fun ceramic items @ www.alissaclarkclayworks.etsy.com .

I cannot wait to pull out these two beauties tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner!  I use the butter dish all of the time, but I have yet to use my gravy bowl!  I feel so grown up now that I 
own one.

Not only do they awesome imagery with the hearts, but I love the teal and green hues, and absolutely die over the textures and prints. I almost don't want to use them.  

If anyone wants butter or gravy tomorrow, ask and it shall be 
served.:)Joking (of course), or am I?

Peace, Love, Handmade Paper, and Thanksgiving,


Motivational Monday - Clean Studios

Wet Studio - This is where the fiber is pulped and the paper is made!

Welcome to my studio!
No doubt a clean and organized house can assist in promoting healthier living and encouraging a more positive mood.  This is also true for us artists and crafters alike when it comes to our art studios.  

There are times when I lose energy levels and my inspiration begins to drag, but I have come to find if I scrub away the dirties in my studio I am usually raring to make another mess soon after.   

Dry Studio - This is where I make the art/crafts from the paper that was made in the wet studio!

This is a project I began to pull out last night as soon as I was almost done cleaning.  I hadn't even finished picking up and I was feeling inspired.  Maybe it has something to do with running my fingers over all the fun stuff I have collected for my art.  

This piece of paper I scored from another paper maker during a paper trade I do every year or two. It is made from the bark of tree that was harvested from South America if I am remembering correctly.  I love paper trading time.

Below are just some photographs of things in and around the studio that I either use in paper-making and related mixed media projects or that I have lying around that give rise to creation.

Pulpa's Studio Stuff

One of my torso molds :)

3 foot x 5 foot sheet of paper hanging from the ceiling.

stickers on my window

Paper Press _ God Send!

a finished torso 

Dia De La Muerta Doll and a pic of my deceased cat

mixed media piece that needs new frame

Where I do designing of my cards and invites!


This is where a lot of finished product goes until its ordered or needed at a show!

envelopes/gift packaging

Pulpa Graffiti 

This cloth decoration I made for my wedding and now hangs in my studio.  If I had a little girl it would go in her room, but I don't.  So it's all mine!

I love my storage!  I ask for a Michael's Gift Card for Christmas and my in laws and my husband both gave me one. Guess what I bought.  Hmmm. I would like a bigger storage wall and guess what is right around the corner? He He!

glitter and brushes - both important !

Book Sculpture

 A tiny hammer

a tiny kitty

Pastels! Yay!

Mother Nature keeps my overhead low. :)

Flower and Leaf Presses

Vintage Hole Punch

everyone should have a disco ball in their studio, don't you agree?

~This is cotton before it's pulped~

Rasta Pulp Chic

Mold and Deckles and an old fire pit I use for wall spheres

I hope you enjoyed the tour and found some motivation to clean or create! I have!  

Peace, Love, and Handmade Paper,